How to send only specific scrape job metrics in Prometheus remote write

How to send only specific scrape job metrics in Prometheus remote write

Prometheus remote write enables the capability to send metrics to a remote Prometheus storage server. This is primarily intended for long term storage.

  • By default, Prometheus remote write sends all metrics stored in local Prometheus to a remote server.
  • There’s a high likely chance you don’t need to send every metric that you have to a remote server only to increase the storage of that server unnecessarily.
  • Another scenario maybe that you’re using remote write to send the metrics to a SaaS vendor like Grafana cloud / Datadog. Keep in mind that they charge for the amount of metrics you send and hence if you don’t cut down on what you send, expect a hefty bill on your way.

In this article, let’s see how to send only metrics from a specific scrape job and also only set of particular metrics that matches a name prefix.


  • Docker
  • Docker-compose

Sending metrics only from a specific scrape job :

  • Let’s image a scenario where you’re scraping multiple services, and you want to send all the metrics from one specific job, for the sake of simplicity, let’s say you’re scraping 3 services metrics: Cadvisor, node_exporter & Prometheus itself.
  • If you only want to send Cadvisor metrics via remote write and drop all others, then you can specify this via write_relabel_configs config block.
  • Below is my docker-compose stack which is running 3 services, namely Prometheus, Cadvisor & node_exporter.
version: '3.8'
    image: prom/prometheus
    container_name: prometheus
    - 9090:9090
    - --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
    - ./prometheus.yaml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml:ro
    - cadvisor
    - node_exporter
    container_name: cadvisor
    - 8080:8080
    - /:/rootfs:ro
    - /var/run:/var/run:rw
    - /sys:/sys:ro
    container_name: node_exporter
      - '--path.rootfs=/host'
    pid: host
      - '/:/host:ro'
      - 9100:9100
  • Now let’s create a prometheus.yaml config to scrape the above targets and remote write to Grafana Cloud.
# prometheus global config
  scrape_interval:  1s
    environment: demo

  - job_name: prometheus
      - targets: ['prometheus:9090']

  - job_name: cadvisor
      - targets: ['cadvisor:8080']

  - job_name: node_exporter
      - targets: ['node_exporter:9100']

- url:
    username: your-username
    password: your-grafana-api-key
  - source_labels: [job]
    regex: 'cadvisor'
    action: keep
  • I’ve Chosen Grafana cloud because it's free and very easy to setup for a remote Prometheus server. This demo works for any remote write enabled Prometheus server.
  • The magic is happening in write_relabel_configs block.
    • source_labels : The source labels select values from existing labels. In our case, all metrics scraped via the job Cadvisor will have the label Cadvisor.
    • regex : this is required is you want to match the metrics / label values returned via source_labels. In our case, we don't need any regex pattern. Just cadvisor will do as we need to match exactly that.
    • action : Action to perform based on regex matching, keep or drop. If you mention drop, all Cadvisor metrics will be dropped and all other job metrics will be sent.
  • If you mention the action as keep, only Cadvsior metrics will be sent and all other metrics will be dropped.
  • You can just change the name to any other job name which you want to send the metrics from.
  • Now, you can start the stack by running : docker-compose up -d


  • To verify how many metrics we have scraped from Cadvisor job along with others, query this metric from your local Prometheus : scrape_samples_scraped


  • As we can see, there are 2269 time series from Cadvisor Job.
  • We can now query the same metric scrape_samples_scraped from Remote Prometheus, which should result in the same number and should not list any other job in result:


Sending metrics which starts with a prefix :

  • For example, If you only want to send metrics starting with node_memory i.e. all memory related metrics of a node only, , then you can use the config similar to below in your prometheus.yaml :
    - source_labels: [__name__]
      regex: 'node_memory(.*)'
      action: keep
  • The above config will only send all metrics which starts with node_memory prefix and will drop all other metrics.

Tip :

  • If you want to check what are the labels available in your Prometheus, there’s an API endpoint exists for that : /api/v1/labels
  • So you can make a curl request and get that list like this :

curl -s 'localhost:9090/api/v1/labels' | tr ',' '\n'

  • Once you know what label you want to query, you can get the values for that specific label, for example for job label, we have 3 values available :

curl -s 'localhost:9090/api/v1/label/job/values’



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