Parsing Apache & Nginx logs with fluent-bit

Parsing Apache & Nginx logs with fluent-bit

Parsers are an important component of Fluent Bit, with them, you can take any unstructured log entry and give them a structure that makes it easier for processing and further filtering.

In this part of fluent-bit series, we’ll collect, parse and push Apache & Nginx logs to Grafana Cloud Loki via fluent-bit.

Configure docker-compose :

  1. Let’s create a docker-compose file docker-compose.yaml and add the below config:
version: "3.5"
      - "24224:24224"
      - "24224:24224/udp"
      - ./:/fluent-bit/etc/
    image: mingrammer/flog
    command: '-l'
      - fluentbit
      driver: fluentd
        tag: apache
    image: kscarlett/nginx-log-generator
      - fluentbit
      driver: fluentd
        tag: nginx
  1. Let’s understand what this docker-stack is doing in detail.
  2. We have 3 services running in this stack.
    1. fluentbit:
      • we’re running fluent-bit the latest image & it listens on port 24224 .
      • We’re mounting the local current directory inside the container’s /fluent-bit/etc/ path.
    2. flog :
      • flog is a fake Apache log generator service. We’ll use that to collect, parse and filter logs via fluent-bit.
      • flog is very useful when you want to enumerate & debug apache based logs locally.
      • We’re using depends_on to indicate that start flog only once fluent-bit is ready.
      • next we’re mentioning the logging driver for flog container to be fluentd
      • Default logging driver for docker logs is JSON. We want to get all container logs hence we’re mentioning logging driver as Fluentd. A point to note here is that both Fluentd & fluent-bit uses Fluentd as docker logging driver.
      • in tag:apache, we’re specifying a tag for Fluentd to filter and process later.
    3. nginx-log-generator:
      • This service is also exactly similar to above-mentioned flog service except it generates logs of nginx web server.

Configure fluent-bit :

  1. Let’s create a file called fluent-bit.conf and add the below config to it:
    log_level    info
    flush           1

    Name forward
    port 24224

    Name parser
    Match apache
    Key_Name log
    Parser apache

    Name parser
    Match nginx
    Key_Name log
    Parser nginx

    Name        loki
    Match       *
    Host        "Loki URL here"
    port        443
    tls         on
    tls.verify  on
    http_user   "username here"
    http_passwd "API-KEY here"
  • INPUT: since we’re using docker logging driver fluend, we’ll be using forward input plugin to gather all container logs from Docker daemon and source it at fluent-bit.
  • FILTER : We have 2 filters, one for each type of log file Apache and Nginx.
    • In the first filter, it will look for incoming logs with tag : nginx and parse those logs with the parser : nginx. Same goes for Apache also.
    • In the further section, we’ll see how is it parsing the nginx and apache logs using parser config.
  • OUTPUT: We’re saying send all logs ( apache & nginx, hence the *) to Grafana cloud ( Loki). fluent-bit can also output the filtered logs to multiple destination. You can read more about that here.
    • hence the output plugin name is : loki
    • Loki plugin has a couple of parameters. host i.e. the endpoint of your Loki stack.
    • We don’t want someone to snoop on the logs while sending to Grafana, hence the TLS.
    • http_user and http_passwd are username & API_KEY for Grafana Cloud.
  • Create a file called parsers.conf and append the below config :

    Name   apache
    Format regex
    Regex  ^(?<host>[^ ]*) [^ ]* (?<user>[^ ]*) \[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] "(?<method>\S+)(?: +(?<path>[^\"]*?)(?: +\S*)?)?" (?<code>[^ ]*) (?<size>[^ ]*)(?: "(?<referer>[^\"]*)" "(?<agent>[^\"]*)")?$
    Time_Key time
    Time_Format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z

    Name   nginx
    Format regex
    Regex ^(?<remote>[^ ]*) (?<host>[^ ]*) (?<user>[^ ]*) \[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] "(?<method>\S+)(?: +(?<path>[^\"]*?)(?: +\S*)?)?" (?<code>[^ ]*) (?<size>[^ ]*)(?: "(?<referer>[^\"]*)" "(?<agent>[^\"]*)")
    Time_Key time
    Time_Format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
  • Parsing is necessary to filter and make some sense out of the logs you collected. We’ll see in the later part the effect of with and without parsing the logs.

Configuring Grafana Cloud

  • You can sign up for Grafana Cloud free here
  • Once setup, navigate to Loki section under your stack and the details will look like below :


Action time :

  1. Let’s start out docker-compose stack by running the command :
docker-compose up -d
  1. Once all 3 containers are running, Let’s check Grafana cloud for the logs we pushed. it should look like this :


  1. Since we have parsing enabled, if you click on the log displayed, each section of the log is parsed and indexed by Loki Which will be extremely beneficial when debugging issues through logs because we’ll be able to write complex queries over the log stream fields.


  1. If you’re wondering how does this look without parsing, you can try that by removing FILTER section in fluent-bit.conf. Once removed, start the docker-compose. Logs in Loki will look like :


  1. The data-flow will look like this :


Bonus :

  • Fluent-bit can output(send) the logs collected to multiple destinations.
  • You can read more about routing logs here.
  • For example, for debug purposes, you want the nginx log to be sent to stdout as well along with Grafana, you can add the below OUTPUT config to your fluent-bit.conf :
    Name        stdout
    Match       nginx

    Name        loki
    Match       *
    Host        "Loki URL here"
    port        443
    tls         on
    tls.verify  on
    http_user   "username here"
    http_passwd "API-KEY here"

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